California Speed Game

Technologies used: .NET, C#, HTML5, Bootstrap, SignalR, and JQUERY

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  • Software Engineering 2 Group Project
  • Utilized SignalR for WebSockets in order to implement high speed communication between players
  • Drag and drop card UI using JQuery
  • Refactored redundant code found in group members functions and created MoveCard function

My role in this project was creating the initial game UI layout and creating the logic that prevents a deadlock between both players if no cards in their hands' are able to be played on the current play piles in the middle. A particular challenge I faced while writing the deadlock logic was figuring out how my functions needed to be written in order to communicate with our controller and model. I solved this issue by working with teammates and learning how the MVC pattern works resulting in me being able to complete my deadlock functions efficiently.

Play Pile Deadlock Prevention Code

//Used to check if both players' hand of cards are playable on the current play piles.
//If not both players' hand of cards are reshuffled
public void playPilesPlayable()
    Card newPlayPileCard;

    while(!playerHandPlayable(PlayerOneHand) && !playerHandPlayable(PlayerTwoHand))
        if(PickPileOne.Count() == 0 || PickPileTwo.Count() == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Reshuffled deck");
        newPlayPileCard = PickPileOne.Last();
        moveCard(PlayPileOne, PickPileOne, newPlayPileCard);

        newPlayPileCard = PickPileTwo.Last();
        moveCard(PlayPileTwo,PickPileTwo, newPlayPileCard);

        Console.WriteLine("Drew new cards for playPiles");

//Used to check a specified players current hand against both play piles to see if any of their cards are able to be played
public bool playerHandPlayable(List playerHand)
    bool pileOnePlayable = false;
    bool pileTwoPlayable = false;

    //Check the players' hand against both play piles
    foreach (var card in playerHand)
        if ((card.Value + 1) % 13 == PlayPileOne.Last().Value || (PlayPileOne.Last().Value + 1) % 13 == card.Value)
            pileOnePlayable = true;

        if ((card.Value + 1) % 13 == PlayPileTwo.Last().Value || (PlayPileTwo.Last().Value + 1) % 13 == card.Value)
            pileTwoPlayable = true;


    if(pileOnePlayable || pileTwoPlayable)
        return true;

    return false;

//Moves specified card from an origin pile to a destination pile
public void moveCard(List destinationPile, List originPile, Card takenCard )
    //Specified card to be moved
    Card card = takenCard;

    //Moves the specified card to the specified destination pile
    //Removes the specified card from the origin pile