High/Low Game

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Technologies/Software used: PHP, Bootstrap, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, and PhpStorm

  • Software Engineering 2 Project
  • Target number is generated server-side using PHP and hidden from the player
  • User account creation/authentication using a SHA256 hash algorithm and salted to protect player data

One particular challenge I faced during this project was displaying a high score table of the top 10 scores when the user won. I overcame this challenge by utilizing PHP to fetch data from my database and display it in a table using a while loop to create new rows for each score entry.

High Score Table Code

	//Prepare select statement
	$sql = "SELECT username,score,timestamp FROM HighScores ORDER BY score ASC LIMIT 10";
	$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql);
	$count = 1;
	while($highScoreData = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
		echo "
					<th> scope='row'>" . $count . "</th>
					<td>" . $highScoreData['username'] . "</td>
					<td>" . $highScoreData['score']."</td>
					<td>" . $highScoreData['timestamp'] . "</td>